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Emily and Alex's elegant Alabama estate wedding- Nick Drollette photography

We were beyond thrilled when sweet Emily booked us to bring our lush whimsical Auburn wedding flowers and to plan, design and coordinate her beautiful destination wedding at the historic Spingdale Estate in Andalusia Alabama.

The Italianate mansion and stunning gardens were the perfect backdrop to this gorgeous couples elegant wedding day.

Family and friends gathered to watch them exchang vows in front of a huge southern magnolia on the mansions front lawn. Men wore traditional wedding day tuxes, and bridemaids were beautiful in the prettiest palette of taupe.

Our wedding flowers complimented the bridal party in shades of white, ivory and soft peachy taupe. Under the reception tent, garland decorated the long tables which flanked the dance floor for the wedding party. Custom stage and bar fronts added extra details to the wedding design and a boxwood flower wall photo booth backdrop completed the tent design.

Guests danced the night away until the beautiful newlyweds exited to a petal toss sendoff . We wish these two the happiest forever after and loved being a part of their amazing wedding day.

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